To help us to plan our wedding welcome to our web site. Our web site will always have the latest information about the wedding.

On our web site you can find the following:-

  • Bride ~ All about the bride, her family and 'hens' (including any party pics...)
  • Groom ~All about the groom, his family and the 'stags'
  • Guests ~ The Best Men, Bridesmaids, Ushers, MC and our Online Guest/Message Book and Guest Song Form
  • Wedding ~ The Ceremony and Reception details, Accommodation information, Gift Lists and photographs.


Wedding Day Photographs

The Wedding Day photographs have now been added to the Album page. Please click here to view...

A selection of the Wedding Day photos are available from Flickr here

Anna and Andy have all of the originals, if you require a copy.

Hen night #2

Photos of Hen Night #2click here (Thanks for the photos Jen and Ceri)



Calpe, Spain

Photos from the "pre wedding bonding" holiday in Calpe, please click here

Hen night #1

Photos of Hen Night #1 click here (Thanks for the photos Nic)

Thank you for visiting the web site - If you need any information about the arrangements, please check here first.

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Anna Louise Jenkins [m](07967) 500007 [t] (0151) 3561084 [e] click here ~ Andrew Ross Penton [m] (07903) 316775 [e] click here

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