The Bride…….Anna Louise Jenkins (Currently Miss!!)

Hi everyone – thought I had better write a few words to accompany the varied selection of photos that are appearing to the left of your screen with me in various poses!!

The beginning!

The happy, smiling baby in the pictures is me – and it feels strange to say that the baby picture is now nearly 28 years old!! I don’t seem to have much hair in that picture but that didn’t last for long as you can see in the picture of me with a ‘bowl-haircut!!’ - My mum tells me it was very fashionable in the early 80’s!!!

If you are wondering why there is a distinct lack of teenage photos, well, I refused to allow any pictures of me as a teenager to be uploaded onto this website – I think they can remain at my Mum & Dad’s house for a very chosen few to see.


One of the pictures is of me in my cap and gown when I graduated from Bangor University in 2000 with my degree in English Literature. My current profession as Management accountant isn’t necessarily the natural progression after an English degree but….. I am enjoying my job at Unilever at the moment.

Why the Abba Outfit?

I feel obliged to explain the picture of me in an ‘Abba-esque’ purple cap and shiny outfit. Andy and I were invited to Auntie Jen & Uncle Mike’s 25th Wedding anniversary and it was Obligatory 70’s fancy dress!! It was a great night with plenty of 70’s music and lots of dancing and drinking and it would have been rude not to dress up (p.s. watch out for pics of Andy in a rather tasteful leopard-skin outfit elsewhere in the website)

The other pics range from…… me acting silly on the beach (I refused to stand normally to have my photo taken so decided standing on one leg would be funnier – don’t really know whether that quite worked!!)….to me with rollers in before going out one evening. I didn’t even know Andy had sent that picture to be uploaded onto this website!

Before I sign off I just want to say a really big THANK YOU to Uncle Mike who has designed and built this website for us, I know it is going to be invaluable over the next few months leading up to the wedding with hen party info, gift lists and directions!! There is also an option for all guests to send us requests for the DJ to play at the evening reception so please send us your favourite tunes so that everyone is up dancing on the evening of the 26th August!!!

Hopefully I will see you all soon –and I will see you all collectively at about 1o’clock on the 26th August at Hope Church,

Lots of love, Annaxxx

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