Maid of Honour. Louisa ‘Weeza’: Life-long friend.  Having known each other since birth, we’ve experienced a lot together as friends, from playing with our dolls right through to playing drinking games!  This is why there was no question about Louisa being our maid of honour.  The only thing that placed a little doubt in my mind however was the fact that as a maid of honour, she would also be in charge of my hen do!!! For those of you who know Louisa, you’ll know exactly why…… Just to put you all in the picture though, these are a just a few of Louisa’s antics: 

  • missing flight back from hols after being out all night,
  • disappearing on a night and being found wrapped up in bubble-wrap
  • driving hundreds of miles with a large frozen turkey in passenger seat wearing seat belt

That said, I know that she would never let me down and the hen do will be amazing.  Lastly, I’m so glad that my big day will be spent with such a fantastic and special friend as our maid of honour.

Chloe:  Niece.  Even though I’m sure Chloe would have liked us to get married some years ago when she was still young enough to want to be a bridesmaid and be a ‘princess’ for the day, when we asked her at the beginning of this year to be our bridesmaid, she was landed.  We even managed to keep her out of her room and off facebook for a little while to talk about the wedding! We were told that we were honoured to achieve this! :)
Can’t wait to see you all done-up in your dress on the big-day chloes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

Ein nith Ela yw’r olaf o’r morwynion. Mae Ela wrth ei bodd efo bob math o chwaraeon – o hoci i athletau. Yn ddiweddar rhedodd Ela ras 5km “race for life” mewn 26 munud – dipyn o gamp i ferch deng mlwydd oed! Er y bydd hi mewn ffrog neis ar ddydd y priodas, ffwl fyddai’n ei themptio i ras – bydd dim siawns gan neb! Diddordeb mawr Ela ar y funud yw Moshi Monsters – mae pawb a phopeth yn ymwneud a nhw ar y funud – gobeithio yn wir na fydd unrhyw moshi monster ar gyful y lle ar 3ydd o Ragfyr!

Amdanom Ni

Priodfab - Shwmai pawb! Reit, dyna ddigon ar y siarad sowthwelian yma – dwi di cal digon o stic am hynna dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf! A dwi’n siwr bydd mwy i ddod dros y misoedd a’r blynyddoedd nesaf – yn enwedig ar ol fy speech! mwy
Priodferch - Hi everyone! Don’t really know what to say here, I’m not as vocal as Owain when it comes to things like this! Owain did say he’d write this for me but I wasn’t all that keen on that idea. mwy

Address – 2 Maes y Wawr, Birchgrove, Swansea. SA7 0HL

Email Alison –
Email Owain –
