Due to unforeseen circumstances, beyond our control, choosing my best man has not been without its problems I have to admit. Aled Hefin, or Al Hef, was always going to be my best man – a decision made years ago when we were kids. We’ve been best friends since I can remember, living opposite each other and doing everything together – remembering not to pass the all-important lamppost!  Al was the only one aware of my engagement plans before going to NY, and as a true best man and friend, he never mentioned it to no-one, although I do pity him for the abuse he suffered off my mother and his once they found out! Sorry Al! But, and this is quite a big “but”, Al won’t be available to be my best man on my wedding day. He and Casi are expecting their first child, which is due 3 days after the wedding – now that is timing! Alison and myself are gutted that Al won’t be able to join us on our big day, but birth of his first baby slightly trumps my wedding day, and I know he’ll always be a “best man” to me.

And therefore, I needed to find a new best man. I knew exactly who to choose though – Iolo Ellis and Dafydd Sidgwick (or Sidge, as he’s known to us) – who were already in-line to be my ushers; therefore promotion was the only option! Iol and myself have been good friends since nursery school – since the days of mw-mw biscuits and milk at the end of a long hard day playing in the shop and phonebox! Although differences in our interests and hobbies, with Iolo being a keen fisherman and very musical and me being tone deaf and more for ball-related sports, we remained big friends throughout primary and secondary school. We both went to Cardiff University at the same time, living in the same houses (if that was the true word for some of them!) from the second year on. Although we frequently had differences in our opinion on being house-proud, the strong friendship between us was always the strong point – evident by supporting each other when sleeping in Clwb Ifor on Saturday nights!

On my first night in Cardiff Uni I met Sidge – the only south walian that was dumped into a flat full of gogs. I’m sure to say though that Sidge must be a Gog deep down – especially by now after so long in our company! But, we hit it off straight away, as we both had a big interest in Welsh music (including the Trwynau Coch), C’mon Midffild, football and any reason for a sesh – especially on a big international weekend. 

Since that first night in the Uni bar, Sidge, Iol and I were inseparable throughout Uni life – like three amigos around the place.  By now the three amigos are still amigos, meeting up often for a catch-up, and therefore choosing them as my best men was an easy decision to do. I know they’ll do me proud on the day – and look after me on the stag do (Oh well, one out of two isn’t bad, but I can always hope!)

About Us

Groom - Shwmai pawb! Right, that’s enough of this South Walian talk now – I’ve had plenty of stick about this since moving down to Swansea to live, and I’m sure I haven’t heard the last of it more
Bride - Hi everyone! Don’t really know what to say here, I’m not as vocal as Owain when it comes to things like this! Owain did say he’d write this for me but I wasn’t all that keen on that idea. more


Address – 2 Maes y Wawr, Birchgrove, Swansea. SA7 0HL

Email Alison – ali_fera@yahoo.com
Email Owain – owainsion@cym.ro
